Authentication data

All formats:

  • AUTH section signature

This line specifies the authentication signature (signature) for the preceding data in the file. If any of the data since the last AUTH line is modified, the authentication value will no longer be correct. This would typically be used by an ISV if they are using the report log data for post-use billing. The ISV can run a utility in order to verify the authentication records in a report log. Report writers can (and should) ignore this line.

  • BADAUTH (x errors, y sessions, z authentication sections)

When rlmanon processes a reportlog with AUTH errors, it rewrites the file with all bad AUTH records, and places this line in each section. Prior to RLM v12.3, rlmanon simply stopped processing when a bad AUTH section was encountered. In v12.3, the entire report log will be processed, but all sections will have bad AUTH sections, allowing you to process the anonomized report log but not verify the integrity of the data in it.