support for a product
There will be one record per license pool for each product served. These lines come immediately after a START or REREAD record. Note that there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the support records and LICENSE lines in the license file.
All formats:
- PRODUCT name version pool# count #reservations soft_limit “hostid” “contract” “customer” “issuer” “line_item” “options” share max_share type named_user_count meter_type meter_counter meter_initial_decrement meter_period meter_period_decrement
count is the number of free licenses (i.e., non-reserved licenses)
#reservations is the number of reserved licenses (not generally available).
pool# is an internal server pool identifier. This number appears in checkout records in some formats.
line_item is the contents of the product's _line_item field, used for mapping license product names to actual purchased products.
A non-zero value in meter_counter indicates a metered license.
meter_counter is the counter which is used for this product.
meter_initial_decrement is the amount to be decremented from the meter when a license is checked out.
meter_period is the number of minutes before an additional decrement is performed (0 means no periodic decrements)
meter_period_dec is the amount to be decremented from the meter each meter_period minutes.