6.3.1 Open an Existing MPLAB X IDE Project

Once you have an existing project, either one that you created or a downloaded example, there are a several ways to open this project.

Open by Icon

Click on the Open Project icon.

Open from IDE Menus

Select File > Open Project or File > Open Recent Project.

Open by Drag-and-Drop of Project Folder

Select a project folder in your file manager window. Drag and drop the folder into the Editor Pane (see 5.2 View Changes to Desktop). The project will open in the Projects window.

Figure 6-13. Drag and Drop Folder
Figure 6-14. Opened Project

Open by Drag-and-Drop of Folder containing Projects

To open a folder containing projects, select the folder in your file manager window. Drag and drop the folder into the Editor Pane (see previous step). A window with the name of the folder on the tab will open in the File Pane. The folder and related projects will be shown in this window. To open a project in this folder, right click on the project name and select Open Project of Folder. The project will open in the Projects window.

Figure 6-15. Opened Folder containing Projects