2.2 AVR® and SAM HW Tools and Debuggers

This section describes the HW Tools ecosystem for AVR® and SAM MCUs.

Getting Started Topics

Video: AVR & SAM HW Tools & Debuggers

Data Visualizer

Data Visualizer is a program to process and visualize data. The Data Visualizer can receive data from various sources, such as the Embedded Debugger Data Gateway Interface (DGI) and COM ports. Track your application’s run-time using a terminal or graph, or analyze the power consumption of your application through correlation of code execution and power consumption, when used together with a supported probe or board. Having control of your codes’ run-time behavior has never been easier.

Both a stand-alone and a plug-in version for Microchip Studio are available at the website link below.

Website: Data Visualizer.


Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming AVR microcontrollers using UPDI, JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, aWire, TPI, or SPI target interfaces and Arm® Cortex®-M based SAM microcontrollers using JTAG or SWD target interfaces.

Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming Arm Cortex-M based SAM and AVR microcontrollers with on-chip debug capability.

Website: Atmel-ICE

Power Debugger:

Power Debugger is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming AVR microcontrollers using UPDI, JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, aWire, TPI, or SPI target interfaces and Arm Cortex-M based SAM microcontrollers using JTAG or SWD target interfaces.

In addition, the Power Debugger has two independent current sensing channels for measuring and optimizing the power consumption of a design.

Power Debugger includes also a CDC virtual COM port interface as well as Data Gateway Interface channels for streaming application data to the host computer from an SPI, USART, TWI, or GPIO source.

The Power Debugger is a CMSIS-DAP compatible debugger that works with Microchip Studio or other frontend software capable of connecting to a generic CMSIS-DAP unit. The Power Debugger streams power measurements and application debug data to the Data Visualizer for real-time analysis.

Website: Power Debugger