2.7 Atmel START Integration

The development experience between Atmel START and Microchip Studio has been optimized. This section demonstrates the iterative development process of START-based projects in Microchip Studio through the re-configure and merge functionality.

Getting Started Topics

Video: Atmel START Integration

Todo: Exporting the Project from Atmel START.
  1. On the Atmel START website, create a new project (Example or Board).
  2. Click on the Export Software Component button. Make sure to check the Microchip Studio check-box.
  3. Click on Download pack. An atmelstart.atzip pack file will be downloaded.
    Figure 2-6. Download Your Configured Project
    Todo: Import the Atmel START Output into Microchip Studio.
  4. Launch Microchip Studio.
  5. Select File ➔ Import ➔ Atmel START Project.
    Figure 2-7. Import Atmel START Project
  6. Browse and select the downloaded atmelstart.atzip file.
  7. The Atmel START Importer dialog box will open. Enter project details as Project name, Location, and Solution name. Click OK.
    Figure 2-8. Atmel START Project Importer
  8. A new Microchip Studio project will be created, and the files imported.
    Todo: Import the Atmel START Output into Microchip Studio.
  9. Some projects contain documentation formatted for Doxygen.
    Note: Doxygen must be downloaded from http://www.doxygen.org and installed. You will be asked to configure Studio to locate the Doxygen executable, which defaults to C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin \doxygen.exe.
  10. Click on the Doxygen button to generate the documentation. Doxygen will run, and the generated documentation will open in a new window.
    Todo: Reconfigure the project using Atmel START.
  11. Click on the Reconfigure button or right click on the project node in the Solution Explorer, and, from the menu, select Reconfigure Atmel START Project.
  12. Atmel START will open in a window inside Microchip Studio.
    Figure 2-9. Reconfigure Atmel START Project and Doxygen Buttons
  13. Do the necessary changes to the project. Click the GENERATE PROJECT button at the bottom of the Atmel START window.