4.12.2 Using the I/O View Tool

Confine the I/O View to a single tool window in the development environment. There can only be one instance of the I/O view at a time. To open the window, select DebugWindowsI/O View. When in design mode, the I/O View will be disabled for inputs. It is still possible to change the layout or filters and to navigate the view, but no values can be set or read. VR Studio must be in debug break mode (execution paused) to read or change a value in the registers. In this mode, all the controls of the I/O View will be enabled, and values can be read and updated in the view.

The I/O View displays each bit in the register in a separate column, in addition to displaying the register value. Set bits will have a dark color by default, and cleared bits will have no color (default white). To change a bit, click it, and the value toggles.