4.12.3 Editing Values and Bits in Break Mode

When the project is in debug break mode, any value is changeable by clicking the value field and writing a new value. As some values and bits are read-only, they cannot be modified. Some other bits may be write-only. See the documentation for each device for more information. When setting a bit or value, it is immediately read back from the device, ensuring that the I/O View displays only actual values from the device. When setting a new value and without the I/O view updating as expected, the register might be write-only or simply not accessible.

When a register has changed since the last time it was displayed, it will indicate this with a red-colored value and bits in the display. A bit will be solid red if it has been set since last time. If cleared, it will simply have a red border. Toggle this feature ON or OFF in the toolbar.