DRV_SPI_Open Function
DRV_HANDLE DRV_SPI_Open ( const SYS_MODULE_INDEX index, const DRV_IO_INTENT ioIntent )
Opens the specified SPI driver instance and returns a handle to it.
This routine opens the specified SPI driver instance and provides a handle that must be provided to all other client-level operations to identify the caller and the instance of the driver. The ioIntent parameter defines how the client interacts with this driver instance.
Specifying a DRV_IO_INTENT_EXCLUSIVE will cause the driver to provide exclusive access to this client. The driver cannot be opened by any other client.
Function DRV_SPI_Initialize must have been called before calling this function.
Param | Description |
index | Identifier for the object instance to be opened |
intent | Zero or more of the values from the enumeration DRV_IO_INTENT "ORed" together to indicate the intended use of the driver. See function description for details. |
If successful, the routine returns a valid open-instance handle (a number identifying both the caller and the module instance).
If an error occurs, the return value is DRV_HANDLE_INVALID. Error can occur
if the number of client objects allocated via DRV_SPI_CLIENTS_NUMBER is insufficient.
if the client is trying to open the driver but driver has been opened exclusively by another client.
if the driver peripheral instance being opened is not initialized or is invalid.
if the client is trying to open the driver exclusively, but has already been opened in a non exclusive mode by another client.
if the driver is not ready to be opened, typically when the initialize routine has not completed execution.
DRV_HANDLE handle;
if (handle == DRV_HANDLE_INVALID)
// Unable to open the driver
// May be the driver is not initialized or the initialization
// is not complete.
The handle returned is valid until the DRV_SPI_Close routine is called.
This routine will NEVER block waiting for hardware.