DRV_SPI_Lock Function


bool DRV_SPI_Lock( const DRV_HANDLE handle, bool lock )


Use this API to lock the SPI driver for exclusive use by a client.


This function provides exclusive access to the calling SPI driver client. Once a client acquires exclusive access, SPI read/write requests from other clients are not accepted by the driver until the client gives up the exclusive use of the SPI driver.


  • DRV_SPI_Open must have been called to obtain a valid opened device handle.


handleHandle of the communication channel as returned by the DRV_SPI_Open function.
locktrue : lock the spi driver. false : unlock the spi driver


true - driver instance successfully acquired for exclusive access

false - failed to acquire driver instance in exclusive mode


// mySPIHandle is the handle returned by the DRV_SPI_Open function.

bool DRV_SPI_Lock( mySPIHandle, true );


  • When a client successfully acquires the lock for the first time, the lock count is set to one. Every time a client relocks this driver instance, the lock count is incremented by one. Each time the client unlocks the driver instance, the lock count is decremented by one. When the lock count reaches zero, the driver instance becomes available for other clients. If a client attempts to unlock the driver instance that it has not locked then the lock count is not decremented.

  • This API must not be called from an interrupt handler as it may block on a RTOS mutex