Maximum FLEXCOM SPI Frequency

The following formulas provide the achievable SPI frequency in Host Read and Write modes and in Client Read and Write modes. When the result of these formulas exceeds the fSPCK_MAX parameter provided in Table 74-29, fSPCK_MAX applies.

Host Write Mode

f SPCK = 1 ( SPI2 or SPI5 + t SU_CLIENT )

Where tSU_CLIENT is the input setup time of the client device.

Host Read Mode

f SPCK = 1 SPI 0 or  SPI 3 + t VALID

Where tVALID is the client time response to output data after detecting an SPCK edge.

For a nonvolatile memory with tVALID (or tv) = 5 ns, using SPI3, fSPCK = 40 MHz.

Client Read Mode

f SPCK = 0.5 ( SPI 7 or SPI 10 + t VALID_HOST )

Where tVALID_HOST is the host’s delay between the SPCK edge and the output data valid.

Client Write Mode

f SPCK = 1 2 x ( S PI 6 max ( or  SPI 9 max ) + t setup )

Where tsetup is the setup time from the host before sampling data.