33.5.9 ADNCH

ADC Negative Channel Selection Register
Offset: 0x1D20

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 5:0 – NCH[5:0] ADC Negative Input Channel Selection

Table 33-7. ADC Negative Input Channel Selections
NCH ADC Negative Channel Input
111111 Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) Buffer 2(1)
111110 Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) Buffer 1(1)
111101 DAC2_OUT(2)
111100 DAC1_OUT(2)
111011 Temperature Indicator(3)
111010 VSS (Analog Ground)
111001-011000 Reserved. No channel connected.
010111 RC7(4)
010110 RC6(4)
010101 RC5(5)
010100 RC4(5)
010011 RC3(5)
010010 RC2(5)
010001 RC1(5)
010000 RC0(5)
001111 RB7(4)
001110 RB6(4)
001101 RB5(4)
001100 RB4(4)
001011-000110 Reserved. No channel connected.
000101 RA5
000100 RA4
000011 Reserved. No channel connected.
000010 RA2
000001 RA1
000000 RA0
  1. Refer to the “Fixed Voltage Reference Module” chapter for more details.
  2. Refer to the “Digital-to-Analog Converter Module” chapter for more details.
  3. Refer to the “Temperature Indicator Module” chapter for more details.
  4. 20-pin devices only.
  5. 14/20-pin devices only.