Set Extended Advertisement Parameter (IPE)

Format: IPE,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex8>,<hex8>,<hex8>,<hex8>

Use the command IPE to configure the extended advertising parameters. The extended advertisement is considered the second advertisement set in the A command.

The parameters supported by IPE commands are:
  • 16-bit hex value of advertising event properties
  • 16-bit hex value of primary advertising interval
  • 8-bit value of primary channel map
  • 8-bit value of advertising TX power
  • 8-bit value of primary PHY
  • 8-bit value of secondary PHY

All parameters are stored in PDS and are updated in the controller immediately.

Advertising Event Properties – The parameter describes the type of advertising event that is being configured and its basic properties. The following table provides details about the parameter description.

Table 5-7. Advertising Event Properties Parameter Description
Bit Number Parameter Description
0 Connectable advertising
1 Scannable advertising
2 Directed advertising
3 High Duty Cycle Directed Connectable advertising (≤ 3.75 ms advertising interval)
4 Use legacy advertising PDUs
5 Omit advertiser’s address from all PDUs (anonymous advertising)
6 Include TX power in the extended header of at least one advertising PDU
All other bit Reserved for future use

The advertising event type from bit 0 to bit 4 is limited to the cases as in the table below and is prohibited in other combination cases. It is necessary to have extended scan response content for the secondary advertisement set before a user sets the secondary advertisement set to the Scannable Undirected advertising or Scannable Directed advertising. The bit 5 and bit 6 are effective for extended advertising.

Table 5-8. Advertising Event Properties Type Description
Value (b4 b3 b2 b1 b0) Type Description
Legacy Advertising
0x13 Connectable and scannable undirected advertising event type
0x1D High duty cycle directed connectable advertising event type
0x15 Low duty cycle directed connectable advertising event type
0x12 Scannable undirected advertising event type
0x10 Non-connectable and non-scannable undirected advertising event type
Extended Advertising
0x00 Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable Undirected advertising event type
0x04 Non-Connectable and Non-Scannable Directed advertising event type
0x01 Connectable Undirected advertising event type
0x05 Connectable Directed advertising event type
0x02 Scannable Undirected advertising event type
0x06 Scannable Directed advertising event type

Primary Advertising Interval – The parameter describes the primary advertising interval. The following table provides details about the parameter description.

Table 5-9. Primary Advertising Interval Parameter Description
Value Parameter Description
N = 0xXXXX

Minimum advertising interval for undirected and low duty cycle directed advertising.

Range: 0x0020-0xFFFF

Time = N * 0.625 ms

Time Range: 20-40,959 ms

Primary Advertising Channel Map – The parameter is a bit field that indicates the advertising channel indices that are used when transmitting advertising packets. The following table provides details about the parameter description.

Table 5-10. Primary Advertising Channel Map Parameter Description
Bit number Parameter Description
0 Use channel 37
1 Use channel 38
2 Use channel 39
All other bits Reserved for future use

Advertising TX Power – The parameter indicates the maximum power level at which the advertising packets are to be transmitted on the advertising physical channels. The input parameter is an eight-bit hexadecimal value whose unit is dBm that is assigned to the RF TX output power. The valid output power is from -25(0xE7) dBm to 15(0x0F) dBm. There can be a variation in output power based on antenna power compensation by module and the actual value cannot be consistent with the assigned value.

Primary Advertising PHY – The parameter indicates the PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising physical channel. If using the legacy advertising PDUs, the primary advertising PHY indicates the LE 1M PHY. The following table provides details about the parameter description.

Table 5-11. Primary Advertising PHY
Value Parameter Description
0x01 Primary advertisement PHY is LE 1M
0x03 Primary advertisement PHY is LE coded
All other values Reserved for future use

Secondary Advertising PHY: The parameter indicates the PHY on which the advertising packets are to be transmitted on the secondary advertising physical channel. The following table provides details about the parameter description.

Table 5-12. Secondary Advertising PHY
Value Parameter Description
0x01 Secondary advertisement PHY is LE 1M
0x02 Secondary advertisement PHY is LE 2M
0x03 Secondary advertisement PHY is LE Coded
All other values Reserved for future use
Example: IPE,0001,0200,07,0F,01,02

// Connectable Undirected extended advertising

// Primary interval: 320 ms

// Advertising channel: Ch37, Ch38 and Ch39

// TX power: 15 dBm

// Primary advertisement PHY is LE 1M

// Secondary advertisement PHY is LE 2M

Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter