Set Advertisement Enable Configuration (SC,<0-2>)

Format: SC,<0-2>

This command configures the connectable advertisement and non-connectable/beacon advertisement settings. It expects one single-digit input parameter as described in the table below. The beacon feature enables non-connectable advertisement. The RNBD451 has the ability to advertise connectable advertisement and non-connectable beacon advertisement in a tandem switching manner when the SC,2 is used. Like IB/NB commands, this command will configure the second advertisement set to beacon with legacy advertising. It can have some advanced configurations by IPE command.

To configure the beacon payload, refer to Set Beacon Data (IB/NB).

Table 5-13. Setting Connectable Advertisement Non-Connectable/Beacon Advertisement
SettingConnectable AdvertisementNon-Connectable/Beacon Advertisement
Default: 0
Example:SC,2 // Enable both non-connectable beacon and

connectable advertisement

Response:AOK// Success
Err// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The parameters of SC command are stored in PDS. The parameters are effective immediately.