Gain and Offset Errors


  • a given gain error: EG (%)
  • a given ideal code (Ci)
  • a given offset error: EO (LSB of 12 bits)

    in 12-bit mode, the actual code (CA) is calculated using the following formula

    C A = 1 + E G 100 × C i 2047 + 2047 + E O

Differential Mode

In Differential mode, the offset is defined when the differential input voltage is zero.

Figure 67-5. Gain and Offset Errors in Differential Mode


  • Full-scale error EFS = (EFS+) - (EFS-), unit is LSB code
  • Offset error EO is the offset error measured for VIN = 0V
  • Gain error EG = 100 × EFS / 4096, unit in %

Single-ended Mode

The figure below illustrates the ADC output code relative to an input voltage VIN between 0V (Ground) and VADVREF. The ADC is configured in Single-ended mode by connecting internally the negative differential input to VADVREF / 2. As the ADC continues to work internally in Differential mode, the offset is measured at VADVREF / 2. The offset at VINP = 0 can be computed using the transfer function and the corresponding EG and EO.

Figure 67-6. Gain and Offset Errors in Single-ended Mode


  • Full-scale error EFS = (EFS+) - (EFS-), unit is LSB² code
  • Offset error EO is the offset error measured for VINP = 0V
  • Gain error EG = 100 x EFS / 2048, unit in %