
  1. Set RTC period to 2000ms (two seconds) so that it will overflow and reset back to zero every two seconds.
    rtc_count_set_period(&rtc_instance, 2000);
  2. Enter an infinite loop to poll the RTC driver to check when a comparison match occurs.
    while (true) {
  3. Check if the RTC driver has found a match on compare channel 0 against the current RTC count value.
    if (rtc_count_is_compare_match(&rtc_instance, RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_0)) {
  4. Once a compare match occurs, perform the desired user action.
    /* Do something on RTC count match here */
  5. Clear the compare match, so that future matches may occur.
    rtc_count_clear_compare_match(&rtc_instance, RTC_COUNT_COMPARE_0);