Transaction Examples

The gray bits in the following examples are sent from master to slave, and the white bits are sent from slave to master. Example of a read transaction is shown in Figure 17-2. Here, the master first issues a Start condition and gets ownership of the bus. An address packet with the direction flag set to read is then sent and acknowledged by the slave. Then the slave sends one data packet which is acknowledged by the master. The slave sends another packet, which is not acknowledged by the master and indicates that the master will terminate the transaction. In the end, the transaction is terminated by the master issuing a Stop condition.

Figure 17-2.  I2C Packet Read

Example of a write transaction is shown in Figure 17-3. Here, the master first issues a Start condition and gets ownership of the bus. An address packet with the dir flag set to write is then sent and acknowledged by the slave. Then the master sends two data packets, each acknowledged by the slave. In the end, the transaction is terminated by the master issuing a Stop condition.

Figure 17-3.  I2C Packet Write