2.8.2 Quick Start Guide for ADC - Callback

In this use case, the ADC will convert 128 samples using interrupt driven conversion. When all samples have been sampled, a callback will be called that signals the main application that conversion is complete.

The ADC will be set up as follows:
  • VCC / 2 as reference

  • Div 8 clock prescaler

  • 12-bit resolution

  • Window monitor disabled

  • 1/2 gain

  • Positive input on ADC PIN 0

  • Negative input to GND (single ended)

  • Averaging disabled

  • Oversampling disabled

  • Right adjust data

  • Single-ended mode

  • Free running disabled

  • All events (input and generation) disabled

  • Sleep operation disabled

  • No reference compensation

  • No gain/offset correction

  • No added sampling time

  • Pin scan mode disabled