2.8.3 Quick Start Guide for Using DMA with ADC/DAC

The supported board list:
  • SAMD21 Xplained Pro

  • SAMD11 Xplained Pro

  • SAML21 Xplained Pro

  • SAMDA1 Xplained Pro

  • SAMC21 Xplained Pro

This quick start will convert an analog input signal from AIN4 and output the converted value to DAC on PA2. The data between ADC and DAC with be transferred through DMA instead of a CPU intervene.

The ADC will be configured with the following settings:
  • 1/2 VDDANA

  • Div 16 clock prescaler

  • 10-bit resolution

  • Window monitor disabled

  • No gain

  • Positive input on ADC AIN4

  • Averaging disabled

  • Oversampling disabled

  • Right adjust data

  • Single-ended mode

  • Free running enable

  • All events (input and generation) disabled

  • Sleep operation disabled

  • No reference compensation

  • No gain/offset correction

  • No added sampling time

  • Pin scan mode disabled

The DAC will be configured with the following settings:
  • Analog VCC as reference

  • Internal output disabled

  • Drive the DAC output to PA2

  • Right adjust data

  • The output buffer is disabled when the chip enters STANDBY sleep mode

The DMA will be configured with the following settings:
  • Move data from peripheral to peripheral

  • Using ADC result ready trigger

  • Using DMA priority level 0

  • Beat transfer will be triggered on each trigger

  • Loopback descriptor for DAC conversion