Function tc_set_top_value()

Set the timer TOP/period value.

enum status_code tc_set_top_value( const struct tc_module *const module_inst, const uint32_t top_value)

For 8-bit counter size this function writes the top value to the period register.

For 16- and 32-bit counter size this function writes the top value to Capture Compare register 0. The value in this register can not be used for any other purpose.

Note: This function is designed to be used in PWM or frequency match modes only. When the counter is set to 16- or 32-bit counter size. In 8-bit counter size it will always be possible to change the top value even in normal mode.
Table 24-33. Parameters
Data directionParameter nameDescription



Pointer to the software module instance struct



New timer TOP value to set


Status of the TOP set procedure.

Table 24-34. Return Values
Return valueDescription


The timer TOP value was updated successfully


The configured TC module counter size in the module instance is invalid