
The Label widget displays a text string.

Data Fields

The Label widget has a sink data field that accepts all types of sources. Any data sent to the label will be converted to a string and displayed as text.


Hover over parameters in visualizer for more information.

Table 4-11. Label Group
ValueTextEnter text for label.
String FormatTextEnter values to change string format

The “Value” field is the initial value of the label. It is displayed if the widget is not connected to a data source, or before any data has been received.

The “String Format” field specifies the formatting that will be used when connected to a data source and data has been received. For example, “Voltage level is %0.1f V” will be formatted as “Voltage level is 3.1 V” once data has been received from the connected data source. For supported formatting parameters, refer to the table below.

Table 4-12. String Format Parameters
%Displays the % character
bDisplays integer as a binary number
cDisplays integer as ASCII value
dDisplays integer as signed decimal number
iDisplays integer as signed decimal number
eDisplays a float using scientific notation
uDisplays integer as unsigned decimal number
fDisplays float as is
gDisplays float as is
oDisplays integer as octal number
tDisplays value as true or false
xDisplays integer as a lower-case hexadecimal number
XDisplays integer as an upper-case hexadecimal number
Table 4-13. Colors Group
Parameter Type Usage
Foreground Color selection dialog Color of widget foreground.
Background Color selection dialog Color of widget background.
Table 4-14. Font Group
Parameter Type Usage
Font Size Numeric Enter font size
Font Weight Dropdown box Select the font weight (such as bold)
Font Style Dropdown box Select the font style (such as italics)
Font Family Dropdown box Select the font family (such as segment)
Table 4-15. Alignment Group
Parameter Type Usage
Horizontal Dropdown box Select the horizontal alignment of content
Vertical Dropdown box Select the vertical alignment of content
Line Wrap Dropdown box Select conditions to wrap line of content