
The Segment widget element simulates a hex-digit LED display.

Data Fields

The Segment widget element has a sink data field that accepts all numeric data types. The value received is displayed.


Hover over parameters in visualizer for more information.

Table 4-16. Segment Group
Parameter Type Usage
Min. Digits Numeric Enter the number of digits to display. Default = 2.
Num. Base Numeric Enter the number of the base. Default = 10 (decimal).
Table 4-17. Colors Group
Parameter Type Usage
Foreground Color selection dialog Color of widget foreground.
Background Color selection dialog Color of widget background.
Table 4-18. Font Group
Parameter Type Usage
Font Size Numeric Enter font size
Font Weight Dropdown box Select the font weight (such as bold)
Font Style Dropdown box Select the font style (such as italics)
Font Family Dropdown box Select the font family (such as segment)
Table 4-19. Alignment Group
Parameter Type Usage
Horizontal Dropdown box Select the horizontal alignment of content
Vertical Dropdown box Select the vertical alignment of content
Line Wrap Dropdown box Select conditions to wrap line of content