1 Silicon Issue Summary

Table 1-1. Silicon Issue Summary
Power SupplyVDDSDMMC power supply over-consumptionOver-consumption on VDDSDMMC power supply
FLEXCOMFLEXCOM SMBUS alertFLEXCOM SMBUS alert signalling is not functional
GMACTimestamps and PTP packetsBad association of timestamps and PTP packets
GMACScreening registers not workingScreening registers (GMAC_ST1RPQx and GMAC_ST2RPQx) not working
I2SCI2SC sent dataI2SC first sent data corrupted
MCAN(1)CRCFlexible data rate feature does not support CRC
MCAN(1)MCAN_IR.MRAF interruptNeedless activation of interrupt MCAN_IR.MRAF
MCAN(2)Bus Integration stateReturn of receiver from Bus Integration state after Protocol Exception Event
MCAN(2)Message RAM/RAM ArbiterMessage RAM/RAM Arbiter not responding in time
MCAN(2)Frame receivingData loss (payload) in case storage of a received frame has not completed until end of EOF field is reached
MCAN(1)Edge filteringEdge filtering causes mis-synchronization when falling edge at Rx input pin coincides with end of integration phase
MCAN(2)MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2Configuration of MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 = ’0’ not allowed
MCAN(2)DAR modeRetransmission in DAR mode due to lost arbitration at the first two identifier bits
MCAN(2)Tx FIFO messageTx FIFO message sequence inversion
MCAN(2)HPM interruptUnexpected High Priority Message (HPM) interrupt
MCAN(2)Transmitted messageIssue message transmitted with wrong arbitration and control fields
MCAN(2)Debug message handling state machine not reset

Debug message handling state machine not reset to Idle state when CCCR.INIT is set

MCAN(1)Frame transmitted despite cancellationFrame transmitted despite confirmed transmit cancellation for CAN-FD messages with more than 8 data bytes
PMCPMC_MCKR.PRES fieldChange of the field PMC_MCKR.PRES is not allowed if Master/Processor Clock Prescaler frequency is too high
PTCWrong pull-up value on PD[18:3] during resetIncorrect pull-up value
PWMFault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx outputFault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx output is not functional
QSPIDLYCS delayQSPI hangs with long DLYCS
RTCRTC_SR.TDERR flagRTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0
RTCTruncated read access to RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE)Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE)
ROM CodeUART connection to SAM-BA MonitorUART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor
ROM CodeJTAG_TCKJTAG_TCK on IOSET 4 pin has a wrong configuration after boot
ROM CodeSecure Boot Mode: AES-RSA X.509 Certificate Serial Number Length LimitThe length of serial numbers is limited to 16 bytes by the ROM code.
SDMMCSoftware 'Reset For all' commandSoftware 'Reset For all' command may not execute properly
SDMMCSampling clock tuning procedureSampling clock tuning procedure may freeze
SDMMCSDMMC I/O calibration does not workThe impedance calibration mechanism for the SDMMC I/Os does not work
SFCFuse matrix programmingFuse matrix programming requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency between 10 and 15 MHz
SFCFuse matrix readFuse matrix read requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency below 28 MHz
SSCTD outputUnexpected delay on TD output
TWIHSClear commandThe TWI/TWIHS Clear command does not work
WDTRestart commandRestart command of WDT may reset the DDR controller
  1. This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.
  2. This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.