
The following bits are enable-protected, meaning that they can only be written when the DFLLULP is disabled (DFLLULPCTRL.ENABLE is zero):

  • Binary Search Enable bit in Control register (DFLLULPCTRL.BINSE)
  • Safe Mode bit in Control register (DFLLULPCTRL.SAFE)
  • Dither Mode bit in Control register (DFLLULPCTRL.DITHER)
  • Division Factor bits in Control register (DFLLULPCTRL.DIV)

The following registers are enable-protected:

  • Dither Control register (DFLLULPDITHER)
  • Target Ratio register (DFLLULPRATIO)

Enable-protected bits in the DFLLULPCTRL register can be written at the same time as DFLLULPCTRL.ENABLE is written to one, but not at the same time as DFLLULPCTRL.ENABLE is written to zero.

Enable-protection is denoted by the Enable-Protected property in the register description.