1.3 Details on Individual Family Members

The devices of the PIC16(L)F184XX family described in the current data sheet are available in 28-pin packages. The block diagram for this device is shown in Figure 1-1.

The devices have the following differences:

  1. Program Flash Memory.
  2. Data Memory SRAM.
  3. Data Memory EEPROM.
  4. A/D channels.
  5. I/O ports.
  6. Enhanced USART.
  7. Input Voltage Range/Power Consumption.

All other features for devices in this family are identical. These are summarized in the following “Device Features” table.

The pinouts for all devices are listed in the pin summary tables.

Table 1-1. Device Features
Program Memory (KBytes)1428
Program Memory (Instructions)819216384
Data Memory (Bytes)10242048
Data EEPROM Memory (Bytes)256256

28 - SPDIP

28 - SSOP

28 - SOIC (7.5 mm)

28 - VQFN (4x4)

28 - SPDIP

28 - SSOP

28 - SOIC (7.5 mm)

28 - VQFN (4x4)

I/O PortsA, B, CA, B, C
Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP)55
Configurable Logic Cell (CLC)44
10-Bit Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM)22
12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Module (ADC2) with Computation Accelerator24 channels24 channels
5-Bit Digital-to-Analog Module (DAC)11
Numerical Contolled Oscillator (NCO)11
Interrupt Sources4747
Timers (16-/8-bit)44
Serial Communications





Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG)33
Zero-Cross Detect (ZCD)11
Data Signal Modulator (DSM)11
Reference Clock Output Module11
Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)YESYES
Peripheral Module Disable (PMD)YESYES
Programmable Brown-out Reset (BOR)YESYES
Resets (and Delays)POR, BOR, RESET Instruction, Stack Overflow, Stack Underflow (PWRT, OST), MCLR, WDTPOR, BOR, RESET Instruction, Stack Overflow, Stack Underflow (PWRT, OST), MCLR, WDT
Instruction Set

50 instructions

16-levels hardware stack

50 instructions

16-levels hardware stack

Operating FrequencyDC – 32 MHzDC – 32 MHz
Figure 1-1. PIC16(L)F18455/56 Device Block Diagram
  1. See applicable chapters for more information on peripherals.