26.1 NCO Operation

The NCO operates by repeatedly adding a fixed value to an accumulator. Additions occur at the input clock rate. The accumulator will overflow with a carry periodically, which is the raw NCO output (NCO_overflow). This effectively reduces the input clock by the ratio of the addition value to the maximum accumulator value. Refer to Equation 26-1 for details.

The NCO output can be further modified by stretching the pulse or toggling a flip-flop. The modified NCO output is then distributed internally to other peripherals and can optionally be output to a pin. The accumulator overflow also generates an interrupt (NCO_interrupt). The NCO period changes in discrete steps to create an average frequency.

Equation 26-1. NCO Overflow Frequency
F O V E R F L O W = N C O C l o c k F r e q u e n c y × I n c r e m e n t V a l u e 2 20