38.13.1 CxCON

CAN Control Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxCONT: Accesses the top byte CON[31:24]
    • CxCONU: Accesses the upper byte CON[23:16]
    • CxCONH: Accesses the high byte CON[15:8]
    • CxCONL: Accesses the low byte CON[7:0]
  2. These bits can only be modified in Configuration mode (OPMOD[2:0] = 100).
Name: CxCON
Offset: 0x0100

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000100 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 1001100 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WRR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000111 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 31:28 – TXBWS[3:0] Transmit Bandwidth Sharing

Delay between two consecutive transmissions (in arbitration bit times)
1111-1100 4096
1011 2048
1010 1024
1001 512
1000 256
0111 128
0110 64
0101 32
0100 16
0011 8
0010 4
0001 2
0000 No delay

Bit 27 – ABAT Abort All Pending Transmissions

1 Signals all transmit buffers to abort transmission
0 Module will clear this bit when all transmissions are aborted

Bits 26:24 – REQOP[2:0] Request Operation Mode

111 Sets Restricted Operation mode
110 Sets Normal CAN 2.0 mode
101 Sets External Loopback mode
100 Sets Configuration mode
011 Sets Listen Only mode
010 Sets Internal Loopback mode
001 Sets Disable mode
000 Unimplemented

Bits 23:21 – OPMOD[2:0] Operation Mode Status

111 Module is in Restricted Operation mode
110 Module is in Normal CAN 2.0 mode
101 Module is in External Loopback mode
100 Module is in Configuration mode
011 Module is in Listen Only mode
010 Module is in Internal Loopback mode
001 Module is in Disable mode
000 Reserved

Bit 20 – TXQEN  Enable Transmit Queue(2)

1 Enables TXQ and reserves space in RAM
0 Does not reserve space in RAM for TXQ

Bit 19 – STEF  Store in Transmit Event FIFO(2)

1 Saves transmitted messages in TEF
0 Does not save transmitted messages in TEF

Bit 18 – SERRLOM  Transition to Listen Only Mode on System Error(2)

1 Transitions to Listen Only mode on System Error
0 Transitions to Restricted Operation mode on System Error

Bit 16 – RTXAT  Restrict Retransmission Attempts(2)

1 Restricted retransmissions attempts, uses TXAT[1:0]
0 Unlimited number of retransmission attempts, TXAT[1:0] bits will be ignored

Bit 15 – ON CAN Enable

1 CAN module is enabled
0 CAN module is disabled

Bit 13 – SIDL CAN stop in Idle mode

1 Stops module operation in Idle mode
0 Does not stop module operation in Idle mode

Bit 11 – BUSY CAN Module is Busy

1 The CAN module is active
0 The CAN module is inactive

Bits 10:9 – WFT[1:0] Selectable Wake-up Filter Time

11 T11 Filter
10 T10 Filter
01 T01 Filter
00 T00 Filter

Bit 8 – WAKFIL  Enable CAN Bus Line Wake-up Filter(2)

1 Uses CAN bus line filter for wake-up
0 CAN bus line filter is not used for wake-up

Bit 7 – CLKSEL  CAN Module Clock Source Select(2)

1 CAN module is run from EXTCLK
0 CAN module is run from system clock

Bits 4:0 – DNCNT[4:0]  DeviceNet Filter Bit Number (see Filtering on Data Bytes and Table 38-7 for more details

11111-10011 Invalid selection (compares up to 18 bits of data with EIDx)
10010 Compares up to Data Byte 2, bit 6 with EID17
10001 Compares up to Data byte 2, bit 7 with EID16
... ...
00010 Compares up to Data byte 0 bit 6 with EID1
00001 Compares up to Data byte 0 bit 7 with EID0
00000 Does not compare data bytes
The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxCONT: Accesses the top byte CON[31:24] CxCONU: Accesses the upper byte CON[23:16] CxCONH: Accesses the high byte CON[15:8] CxCONL: Accesses the low byte CON[7:0] These bits can only be modified in Configuration mode (OPMOD[2:0] = 100).