3.1.4 Meter Type Settings Register

This register defines the service type settings and type of meter voltage and current sensors.
Offset: Metrology_Reg_In[3]
Property: Read-Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Bit 76543210 


For use with: 4-Wire and 3-Wire DELTA meters only. Phase voltages (and currents, where applicable) are transformed into an equivalent 4-wire Wye service for metering using alternate equations.
0x0 DISABLED Phase voltages remain in native service (no transformation).
0x1 ENABLED Phase voltages transformed into an equivalent 4-wire Wye service. Transformation may lose accuracy in non-Blondel/unbalanced situations. Meter vector transformation is useful in some applications and possible, transforming 3-Phase Delta meters into an equivalent 3-Phase 4WY, but is useful only for balanced voltage situations.

Bits 29:28 – MISSING_PHASE[1:0]  Missing phase voltage select

For use with Poly-phase 4-wire Wye 2-1/2 element meters only
0x0 Generate missing phase voltage for Phase_A: V_A = -(V_B + V_C);
0x1 Generate missing phase voltage for Phase_B: V_B = -(V_A + V_C);
0x2 Generate missing phase voltage for Phase_C: V_C = -(V_A + V_B).

Bits 27:24 – SERVICE_TYPE[3:0]  Electrical Service Type

The service type determines what meter form is being implemented and how the Metrology DSP core interprets and processes the ADC values. For more information, refer to Annex. Meter Forms.
0x0 3P4WY_3E_3V3I Three-phase 4-wire Wye (3-element)
0x1 3P4WD_3E_3V3I Three-phase 4-wire Delta (3-element)
0x2 3P3P4WY_2p5E_2V3I Three-phase 4-wire Wye (2-½ element)
0x3 3P4WD_2E_3V2I Three-phase 4-wire Delta (2-element)
0x4 3P3WD_2E_2V2I Three-phase 3-wire) Delta (2-element)
0x5 2P3W_2E_2V2I Two-phase 3-wire Network (2 element)
0x6 1P3W_1p5E_1V2I Single-phase 3-wire (1-½ element)
0x7 1P2W_1E_1V1I Single-phase 2-wire (1 element)
0x8 1P3W_1E_2V1I Single-phase 3-wire (1 element)

Bits 13:12 – SENSOR_TYPE_I_N[1:0] Current Sensor Type on N Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the following table for additional information.

Bits 11:10 – SENSOR_TYPE_V_C[1:0] Voltage Sensor Type on C Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. For each channel selected as using a Rogowski sensor, the Metrology DSP implements a digital integrator filter to normalize the effects of the sensor’s di/dt behavior.
0x1 RESISTIVE SHUNT May only be used with phase-to-neutral voltage measurement applications.
0x2 ROGOWSKI COIL (CRC) CURRENT SENSOR A digital integrator function is added to the DSP of all current channels selected as using Rogowski Coils. When SENSOR_TYPE_I_x = 2, an additional phase correction is internally added to each channel with a Rogowski sensor in the amount of -0.3704º (@ 60 Hz) to correct for a linear phase response introduced by the digital integrator filter. This is taken into account during the internal calculation of actual phase-correction filter coefficients, when a new set of phase calibration settings are loaded, and must not be added by the user in the phase-correction entries. When SENSOR_TYPE_I_x is set to other values, it takes no effect.
0x3 RESISTIVE DIVIDER (VRD) VOLTAGE SENSOR Normally, this is the typical option selected for voltage sensors.

Bits 9:8 – SENSOR_TYPE_I_C[1:0] Current Sensor Type on C Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the previous table for additional information.

Bits 7:6 – SENSOR_TYPE_V_B[1:0] Voltage Sensor Type on B Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the previous table for additional information.

Bits 5:4 – SENSOR_TYPE_I_B[1:0] Current Sensor Type on B Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the previous table for additional information.

Bits 3:2 – SENSOR_TYPE_V_A[1:0] Voltage Sensor Type on A Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the previous table for additional information.

Bits 1:0 – SENSOR_TYPE_I_A[1:0] Current Sensor Type on A Phase

Selects the types of current and voltage sensor used. Read the previous table for additional information.