3.1.5 Number of Line Cycles for Integration Period

The measurement time unit, tM, or integration period, is delineated by M-number of negative-to-positive zero-crossings of the fundamental frequency using a selected voltage signal. All primary output quantities are computed for this many number of cycles of the fundamental frequency.

M is the number of cycles of the integration period are provided as input into the metrology module.

Note: After changing this register, verify the value of the N_MAX register.
Note: If the phase voltage for frequency determination is not present, defined as >= 1/32 of max range, then the metrology module transitions to a default integration period of "N_MAX" samples. If phase voltage loss occurs before the expected number, then that specific integration period may end with some intermediate number of samples. In all cases, the number of samples used in an integration period is available in the output Register N, at the end of an integration period.

Presently, fixed-precision accumulation is scaled for a maximum integration period of 30 seconds (given max V & I inputs). This has to be changed if a one-minute integration period is desired.

Name: M
Offset: Metrology_Reg_In[4]
Property: Read-Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Bit 76543210 

Bits 11:0 – M[11:0] (uQ12.0)

0 Number of cycles for the measurement period will be determined automatically as the number of cycles closest to 1.0 second of integration time. The number of cycles is variable and the measurement period, tM, will closely track 1.0 sec of measurement time, regardless of line frequency.
Other Number of cycles is fixed and the measurement period, tM, will vary with line frequency.