3.1.19 Current Conversion Factor

The current conversion factor is used when converting an internal current quantity to an external equivalent RMS current quantity. K_Ix: where x = [A, B, C or N].

For proper ADC function, the differential input voltage proportional to current must be provided by the current sensor (typically a CT in conjunction with a burden resistor). This differential input voltage (Vdiff = V+ - V-) must be scaled so that its peak input value is limited to the max acceptable ADC input voltage:

For example, 0.5V for an ADC PGA gain of GPGA = 1 or 62.5 mV for an ADC PGA gain of GPGA = 8.

The maximum differential input voltage must typically not exceed 0.5V (V+ = 0.25V, V- = -0.25V), but acceptable performance may be achieved with signals as high as 0.55V or slightly higher. The ADC saturates at Vdiff ≥ 0.6V. When using single-ended inputs, a single-ended input of 0.5V may also be used, but the highest accuracy will be achieved by limiting single-ended input voltages to 0.25V to avoid introducing non-linearity due to approaching forward conduction of input protection diodes. Reduced input voltage range signal on current input channels may use the programmable gain amplifier to recover input range. In typical applications, external scaling allows for an appropriate over-current factor to maintain linearity during over-current events.

The ADC input voltage is, then, converted by comparing it to the reference voltage VREF. This comparison creates an additional ADC internal input conversion gain, 1.0V/VREF, due to ratio-metric effect of the reference voltage, approximately 1.0 / 1.2, which is also part of the ADC conversion factor and is taken care of internal to the DSP processing and is separate from the current channel calibration factor, CAL_M_Ix.

CT Sensors (Current Transformers)

For example, it is desired to have a max measurement current of 240ARMS (200ARMS + 20% over-current). The following three steps must be taken (this example assumes use of a CT turns ratio, Te= 2500:1 (200ARMS: 80 mARMS) and a GPGA= 4):

  1. Determine total current burden resistor value, as if it were one single-ended input, then divide by 2 for differential burden resistors:

    Each one of the two burden resistors (for differential inputs) would be selected as 0.46Ω.

  2. Next, determine the current conversion factor (the equation shown, first, is the long-form definition):

    When using CTs with a burden resistor, the equation for K_Ix simplifies to (the preferred equivalent short-form):

    Where, Te= CT equivalent turns ratio.

  3. Finally, to compute an equivalent external current, multiply an internal Qformat number, IINTERNAL, in the following fashion:

Rogowski Coil Current Sensors

Rogowski coils produce an output voltage proportional to the time derivative of the current being measured and exhibit a gain proportional to the frequency being measured, f, as well as a 90° phase shift relative to the input signal. A 50 Hz signal would have 5/6 the gain as an equivalent 60 Hz signal in addition to the phase shift. The metrology DSP includes a selectable DI (Digital Integrator) to process all current channels using Rogowski coil sensors and introduces a 1/f gain response and an ideal -90° phase shift to compensate for derivative nature of Rogowski coil sensors. The DI (Digital Integrator) filter is adjusted for unity gain at 60 Hz.

For example, it is preferable to have a max measurement current of 240ARMS (200ARMS + 20% over-current). The following steps must be taken (this example assumes use of a Rogowski coil with an output of 500 uV/A at 60 Hz (or 416.6 ̅uV/A at 50 Hz) and a GPGA = 4 but operating at a frequency of 50 Hz):

When using Rogowski coils, the equation for K_Ix simplifies to (the preferred equivalent short-form):

where, ksf = Rogowski coil scale factor.

For this discussion, the scale factor, ksf, is defined at the reference frequency, fr = 60 Hz because the DI (Digital Integrator) filter was designed for unity gain at 60 Hz. If it is preferred to use ksf defined at another frequency, the gain of the DI filter must be accounted for in the computation as follows:

where, Ipr = primary rated current, Vsr = secondary rated voltage, f = frequency of operation [Hz].

Refer to “PIC32CXMTx Metrology User Guide” for a more detailed description.

Resistive Shunt Current Sensors

A resistive shunt current sensor produces an output voltage proportional to the current passing through it. Generally, if a shunt is used for measuring the active phase current, then the voltages of the shunt are at the high voltage of line phase being measured and the relative metering ground reference is usually connected directly to that line phase voltage to keep all voltages going into the PIC32CXMx or ATSENSE device at the same relative voltage level. This means the voltage of the neutral line is divided down to a fraction of a volt, also relative to the line phase voltage.


If Rshunt =100u ohm = 0.0001 ohm and GPGA = 8, then we can get:

KIx = 1000000 / (8 * 100) = 1250

The metrology firmware uses uQ22.10 to represent both integer and fractional numbers, so set:

K_Ix = ROUND(1250 * 2^10) = 0x00138800

Name: K_Ix
Offset: Metrology_Reg_In[24,26,28,30]
Property: Read-Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 

Bits 31:0 – K_Ix[31:0] (uQ22.10)