3.3.14 UDDRC Refresh Timing Register

Offset: 0x064
Reset: 0x0062008C
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
 T_RFC_NOM_X1_SEL   T_RFC_NOM_X1_X32[11:8] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 01100010 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 10001100 

Bit 31 – T_RFC_NOM_X1_SEL

Specifies whether the RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_x32 and RFSHCTL0.refresh_to_x1_x32 register values are x1 or x32.

This applies only when per-bank refresh is enabled (RFSHCTL0.per_bank_refresh=1); if per-bank refresh is not enabled, the x32 register values are used and this register field is ignored.

Programming mode: Dynamic - Refresh Related

0 x32 register values are used.
1 x1 register values are used.

Bits 27:16 – T_RFC_NOM_X1_X32[11:0]

Average time interval between refreshes per rank (Specification: 7.8 µs for DDR2 and DDR3. See JEDEC specification for LPDDR2 and LPDDR3).

When the controller is operating in 1:1 mode, set this register to RoundDown(tREFI/tCK).

When the controller is operating in 1:2 mode, set this register to RoundDown(RoundDown(tREFI/tCK)/2).

In both the above cases, if RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_sel = 0, divide the above result by 32 and round down.


  • If using all-bank refreshes (RFSHCTL0.per_bank_refresh = 0), use tREFIab in the above calculations.
  • If using per-bank refreshes (RFSHCTL0.per_bank_refresh = 1), use tREFIpb in the above calculations.
Note that:
  • RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_x32 must be greater than 0x1.
  • If RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_sel == 1, RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_x32 must be greater than RFSHTMG.t_rfc_min.
  • If RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_sel == 0, RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_x32 * 32 must be greater than RFSHTMG.t_rfc_min.
  • In Fixed 1x mode: RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_x32 must be less than or equal to 0xFFE.

Unit: DFI clock cycles or multiples of 32 DFI clock cycles, depending on RFSHTMG.t_rfc_nom_x1_sel.

Programming mode: Dynamic - Refresh Related


Used only when LPDDR3 memory type is connected. Should only be changed when UDDRC is in reset. Specifies whether to use the tREFBW parameter (required by some LPDDR3 devices which comply with earlier versions of the LPDDR3 JEDEC specification) or not.

Programming mode: Static

0 tREFBW parameter not used.
1 tREFBW parameter used.

Bits 9:0 – T_RFC_MIN[9:0] tRFC (min): Minimum time from refresh to refresh or activate.

When the controller is operating in 1:1 mode, t_rfc_min should be set to RoundUp(tRFCmin/tCK).

When the controller is operating in 1:2 mode, t_rfc_min should be set to RoundUp(RoundUp(tRFCmin/tCK)/2).

In LPDDR2/LPDDR3 mode:
  • If using all-bank refreshes, the tRFCmin value in the above equations is equal to tRFCab.
  • If using per-bank refreshes, the tRFCmin value in the above equations is equal to tRFCpb.

Unit: DFI clock cycles.

Programming mode: Dynamic - Refresh Related