Omit Debugging Directives Listing Option

The -ad form of this option omits debugging directives from the listing. This option is useful when processing compiler-generated assembly code containing debugging information, as the compiler-generated debugging directives will not clutter the listing. The following example shows a listing using both the d and h sub-options. Compared to using the h sub-option alone (see the next section), the listing is much cleaner.
GAS LISTING test.s 	page 1
1              	.section .mdebug.abi32
2              	.previous
10              	.Ltext0:
11              	.align	2
12              	.globl	main
13              	.LFB0:
14              	.file 1 "src\\test.c"
1:src/test.c    **** #include <xc.h>
2:src/test.c    **** volatile unsigned int testval;
3:src/test.c    ****
4:src/test.c    **** int
5:src/test.c    **** main (void)
6:src/test.c    **** {
15              	.loc 1 6 0
16              	.set	nomips16
17              	.ent	main
18              	main:
19         .frame	$fp,8,$31		# vars= 0, regs= 1/0, args= 0, gp= 0
20         .mask	0x40000000,-8
21         .fmask	0x00000000,0
22              	.set	noreorder
23              	.set	nomacro
25 0000 F8FFBD27 	addiu	$sp,$sp,-8
26              	.LCFI0:
27 0004 0000BEAF 	sw	$fp,0($sp)
28              	.LCFI1:
29 0008 21F0A003 	move	$fp,$sp
30              	.LCFI2:
7:src/test.c    ****   testval += 1;
31              	.loc 1 7 0
32 000c 0000828F 	lw	$2,%gp_rel(testval)($28)
33 0010 01004224 	addiu	$2,$2,1
34 0014 000082AF 	sw	$2,%gp_rel(testval)($28)
8:src/test.c    ****   return 0;
35              	.loc 1 8 0
36 0018 21100000 	move	$2,$0
9:src/test.c    **** }
37              	.loc 1 9 0
38 001c 21E8C003 	move	$sp,$fp
39 0020 0000BE8F 	lw	$fp,0($sp)
40 0024 0800BD27 	addiu	$sp,$sp,8
41 0028 0800E003 	j	$31
42 002c 00000000 	nop
44              	.set	macro
45              	.set	reorder
46              	.end	main
47              	.LFE0:
50              	.comm	testval,4,4
88              	.Letext0: