Disable Directive Listing Option

The -an form of this option turns off all forms processing that would be performed by the listing directives .psize, .eject, .title and .sbttl. The first example below shows a listing where the -an option was not used.
GAS LISTING foo.s                       			page 1
User's Guide Example
Listing Options
1              	# 1 "foo.S"
2              	# 1 "<built-in>"
1              	   .text
2              	   .title "User's Guide Example"
3              	   .sbttl "Listing Options"
GAS LISTING foo.s                       			page 2
User's Guide Example
Listing Options
4              	   .psize 10
6 0000 01001A3C 	   lui $k0, 1
7 0004 02001A3C 	   lui $k0, 2
8 0008 03001A3C 	   lui $k0, 3
9              	   .eject
GAS LISTING foo.s                       			page 3
User's Guide Example
Listing Options
10 000c 04001A3C 	   lui $k0, 4
11 0010 05001A3C 	   lui $k0, 5
This second example shows a listing for the same source where the -aln option was used.
1              	# 1 "foo.S"
2              	# 1 "<built-in>"
1              	   .text
2              	   .title "User's Guide Example"
3              	   .sbttl "Listing Options"
4              	   .psize 10
6 0000 01001A3C 	   lui $k0, 1
7 0004 02001A3C 	   lui $k0, 2
8 0008 03001A3C 	   lui $k0, 3
9              	   .eject
10 000c 04001A3C 	   lui $k0, 4
11 0010 05001A3C 	   lui $k0, 5