Expand Macros Listing Option

The -am form of this option expands macros in a listing. The first example below shows a listing where the -am option was not used.
GAS LISTING foo.s 			                       page 1
1              	# 1 "foo.S"
2              	# 1 "<built-in>"
1              	        .macro  sum from=0, to=5
2              	        .long   \from
3              	        .if     \to-\from
4              	        sum     "(\from+1)",\to
5              	        .endif
6              	        .endm
8              	        .data
9 0000 00000000 	        .long 0
10 0004 0A000000 	        sum 10, 14
10      0B000000
10      0C000000
10      0D000000
10      0E000000
11 0018 00000000 	        .long 0
This second example shows a listing for the same source where the -am option was used.
GAS LISTING foo.s 			                       page 1
1              	# 1 "foo.S"
2              	# 1 "<built-in>"
1              	        .macro  sum from=0, to=5
2              	        .long   \from
3              	        .if     \to-\from
4              	        sum     "(\from+1)",\to
5              	        .endif
6              	        .endm
8              	        .data
9 0000 00000000 	        .long 0
10              	        sum 10, 14
10 0004 0A000000 	> .long 10
10              	> .if 14-10
10              	> sum "(10+1)",14
10 0008 0B000000 	>> .long (10+1)
10              	>> .if 14-(10+1)
10              	>> sum "((10+1)+1)",14
10 000c 0C000000 	>>> .long ((10+1)+1)
10              	>>> .if 14-((10+1)+1)
10              	>>> sum "(((10+1)+1)+1)",14
10 0010 0D000000 	>>>> .long (((10+1)+1)+1)
10              	>>>> .if 14-(((10+1)+1)+1)
10              	>>>> sum "((((10+1)+1)+1)+1)",14
10 0014 0E000000 	>>>>> .long ((((10+1)+1)+1)+1)
10              	>>>>> .if 14-((((10+1)+1)+1)+1)
10              	>>>>> sum "(((((10+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)",14
10              	>>>>> .endif
10              	>>>> .endif
10              	>>> .endif
10              	>> .endif
10              	> .endif
11 0018 00000000 	        .long 0
Note: The > signifies expanded macro instructions.