1 Silicon Issue Summary

Table 1-1. Silicon Issue Summary
ModuleItem/FeatureSummaryAffected Silicon Revisions
ACCACC output connection issueThe Analog Comparator (ACC) output is not connected to the PWM event line.X
ADCSleepWalkingADC SleepWalking is not functional.X
ADCLast channel triggerLast channel trigger limitationX
ADCTrigger eventsADC trigger events RTCOUT0 and RTCOUT1 are not functional.X
CLASSDDifferential Output modeUnexpected offset and noise level in Differential Output modeX
AUDIO PLLAudio PLL output frequency rangeAudio PLL output frequency range not compliantX
FLEXCOMFLEXCOM SMBUS alertFLEXCOM SMBUS alert signaling is not functionalXXX
GMACTimestamps and PTP packetsBad association of timestamps and PTP packetsXXX
GMACScreening registers not workingScreening registers (GMAC_ST1RPQx and GMAC_ST2RPQx) not workingXXX
HSICHSIC startupAt HSIC start-up, the strobe default state is wrongX
I2SCI2SC sent dataI2SC first sent data corruptedXXX
MCAN(1)CRCFlexible data rate feature does not support CRCXXX
MCAN(1)MCAN_IR.MRAF interruptNeedless activation of interrupt MCAN_IR.MRAFXXX
MCAN(2)Bus Integration stateReturn of receiver from Bus Integration state after Protocol Exception EventXXX
MCAN(2)Message RAM/RAM ArbiterMessage RAM/RAM Arbiter not responding in timeXXX
MCAN(2)Frame receivingData loss (payload) in case storage of a received frame has not completed until end of EOF field is reachedXXX
MCAN(1)Edge filteringEdge filtering causes mis-synchronization when falling edge at Rx input pin coincides with end of integration phaseXXX
MCAN(2)MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2Configuration of MCAN_NBTP.NTSEG2 = ’0’ not allowedXXX
MCAN(2)DAR modeRetransmission in DAR mode due to lost arbitration at the first two identifier bitsXXX
MCAN(2)Tx FIFO messageTx FIFO message sequence inversionXXX
MCAN(2)HPM interruptUnexpected High Priority Message (HPM) interruptXXX
MCAN(2)Transmitted messageIssue message transmitted with wrong arbitration and control fieldsXXX
MCAN(2)Debug message handling state machine not resetDebug message handling state machine not reset to Idle state when CCCR.INIT is setXXX
MCAN(1)Frame transmitted despite cancellationFrame transmitted despite confirmed transmit cancellation for CAN-FD messages with more than 8 data bytesXXX
MPDDRCtFAW timingtFAW timing violationX
PMCGCLK fieldsGCLK fields are reprogrammed unexpectedlyX
PMCPMC SleepWalkingPMC SleepWalking is not functionalX
PMCPMC_MCKR.PRES fieldChange of the field PMC_MCKR.PRES is not allowed if Master/Processor Clock Prescaler frequency is too highXXX
PTCWrong pull-up value on PD[18:3] during resetIncorrect pull-up valueXXX
PWMFault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx outputFault Protection to Hi-Z for PWMx output is not functionalXXX
QSPIDLYCS delayQSPI hangs with long DLYCSXXX
RTCRTC_SR.TDERR flagRTC_SR.TDERR flag is stuck at 0XXX
RTCTruncated read access to RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE)Read access truncated to the first 24 bits for register RTC_TIMALR (UTC_MODE) XXX
ROM CodeFrequency support for SAM-BA MonitorMain external clock frequency support for SAM-BA® Monitor limitationX
ROM CodeWatchdogWatchdog reset occurs when reenabling the watchdogX
ROM CodeSPI frequencySPI frequency at bootup is not 11 MHzX
ROM CodeJTAG_TCKJTAG_TCK on IOSET 4 pin has a wrong configuration after bootXXX
ROM CodeSDMMC0 and SDMMC1 bootThe card detect pin is not correctly sampled in the ROM codeX
ROM CodeUART connection to SAM-BA Monitor

UART blocks USB connection to SAM-BA Monitor

ROM CodeSecure Boot Mode: AES-RSA X.509 Certificate Serial Number Length LimitThe length of serial numbers is limited to 16 bytes by the ROM code.XXX
SDMMCSoftware 'Reset For all' commandSoftware 'Reset For all' command is not guaranteedXXX
SDMMCStatus flag INTCLKSStatus flag INTCLKS may not work correctlyX
SDMMCSampling clock tuning procedureSampling clock tuning procedure may freezeXXX
SDMMCSDMMC I/O calibration does not workThe impedance calibration mechanism for the SDMMC I/Os does not workXXX
SFCPartial Fuse MaskingThe Partial Fuse Masking function does not workX
SFCFuse matrix first bitsThe first two bits of each 32-bit block of the fuse matrix cannot be writtenX
SFCFuse matrix programmingFuse matrix programming requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency between 10 and 15 MHzXXX
SFCFuse matrix readFuse matrix read requires a main clock (MAINCK) frequency below 28 MHzXXX
SFRSerial numberThe serial number stored in the SFR registers (SFR_SN0 and SFR_SN1) is not correctX
SSCTD outputUnexpected delay on TD outputXXX
TWIHSClear commandThe TWI/TWIHS Clear command does not workXXX
WDTRestart commandRestart command of WDT may reset the DDR controllerXXX
  1. This erratum is not relevant for CAN 2.0.
  2. This erratum is applicable for CAN 2.0.