21.4.11 sd_copy_paste


This Tcl command used to copies and pastes ports, nets and instances within or cross SmartDesign.

Note: The "net" can be copied and pasted if at least two connections are specified. This command is not required to build a SmartDesign component. It maps to an interactive user action in the SmartDesign Canvas and will not be present in the 'Export Component Description(Tcl)' but will present in Libero Project 'Export Script File'. You must specify at least one valid instance or port.
sd_copy_paste -sd_name {SmartDesign component name} \
              -source_sd_name {source SmartDesign name} \
              [-instance_names {instance names}] \
              [-port_names {port names}] \
              [-net_names {net names}]


sd_namestringName of the SmartDesign where the copied data need to be pasted. This parameter is mandatory.
source_sd_namestringName of the SmartDesign from where object needs to be copied. This parameter is mandatory.
instance_nameslist of stringsNames of the instances from "source_SmartDesign_name" SmartDesign that need to be copied to "SmartDesign_component_name". This parameter is optional.
port_nameslist of stringsNames of the ports from "source_SmartDesign_name" SmartDesign that need to be copied to "SmartDesign_component_name". This parameter is optional.
net_nameslist of stringsNames of the nets from "source_SmartDesign_name" SmartDesign that need to be copied to "SmartDesign_component_name". This parameter is optional.
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter 'sd_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'sd_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'source_sd_name' is missing.
NoneThe paste command failed for net 'net_name' in SmartDesign 'sd'. The net could not be found in the source SmartDesign.
NoneParameter 'net_names' has illegal value.
NoneThe paste command failed for port 'port_name' in SmartDesign 'sd'. The port could not be found in the source SmartDesign.
NoneThe paste command failed for instance 'instance_name' in SmartDesign 'sd'. The instance could not be found in the source SmartDesign.
NoneParameter 'instance_names' has illegal value.
NoneThe paste command failed. You must specify at least one valid instance or port.
NoneParameter 'source_sd_name' has illegal value.
NoneParameter 'pram_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'sd_copy_paste -sd_name "sd_name" -source_sd_name "source_sd_name" [-instance_names "[instance_names]+"] [-port_names "[port_names]+"] [-net_names "[net_names]+"]'.

Supported Families

Supported Families
PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


The following example copies "AND2_0" instance, "A", "B", "Y" ports with their appropriate nets from "sd1" and pastes into "sd2":

sd_copy_paste -sd_name {sd2} -source_sd_name {sd1} -instance_names {"AND2_0"} \
	      -port_names {"A" "B" "Y"} -net_names {"A" "B" "Y"}

The following example copies only "NAND2_0" instance from "sd1" and pastes in "sd2":

sd_copy_paste -sd_name {sd2} -source_sd_name {sd1} -instance_names {"NAND2_0"}

The following example copies only "A", "B", "Y" ports from "sd1" and pastes in "sd2":

sd_copy_paste -sd_name {sd2} -source_sd_name {sd1} -port_names {"A" "B" "Y"}

See Also

  • sd_cut_paste