21.4.46 sd_set_net_synth_attr


Set synthesis attribute to the specified net of the specified SmartDesign. The attribute is added in the HDL file at the component generation.

sd_set_net_synth_attr \
        -sd_name {SmartDesign component name} \
        -net_name {net name} \
        -attr_name {synthesis attribute name} \
        -attr_value {synthesis attribute value}


sd_namestringThis argument is used to specify the name of the SmartDesign component in which the port synthesis attribute is set. This is a mandatory argument.
net_namestringName of the net in SmartDesign that synthesis attribute is added to. This is a mandatory argument.
attr_namestringSynthesis attribute. This is a mandatory argument.
attr_valuestringValue of the attribute. Some attributes do not require values.

Synthesis Attributes

The following is the list of attributes and directives available in the Synopsys® FPGA synthesis tool that are supported by SmartDesign.

Name Object Attribute/Directive
syn_insert_buffer port, instance Attribute
syn_keep net Directive
syn_maxfan port, net, instance, register Attribute
syn_no_compile_point module/architecture Attribute
syn_noclockbuf port, net, module/architecture Attribute
syn_noprune instance, module/architecture Directive
syn_preserve register, port, module/architecture Directive
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneNet 'net_name' does not exist.
NoneParameter 'net_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'net_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'attr_value' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'attr_value' is missing.
NoneParameter 'attr_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'attr_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'sd_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'sd_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'sd_set_net_synth_attr -sd_name "sd_name" -attr_name "attr_name" -attr_value "attr_value" -net_name "net_name"'.

Supported Families

Supported Families
PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


This example sets "syn_keep" attribute with "false" value on the "CLK" net in the "top" design.

sd_set_net_synth_attr -sd_name {top} -attr_name {syn_keep} \
                      -attr_value {false} -net_name {CLK}

See Also

  • sd_remove_net_synth_attr