DRV_MIIM_OperationResult Function


DRV_MIIM_RESULT DRV_MIIM_OperationResult(DRV_HANDLE handle, DRV_MIIM_OPERATION_HANDLE opHandle, uint16_t* pOpData); 


  • DRV_MIIM_RESULT value describing the current operation result: DRV_MIIM_RES_OK for success; operation has been completed successfully and pOpData updated DRV_MIIM_RES_PENDING operation is in progress an DRV_MIIM_RESULT error code if the operation failed.


Returns the result of a client operation initiated by the MIIM driver.


This function will not block for hardware access and will immediately return the current status. This function returns the result of the last driver operation. It will return DRV_MIIM_RES_PENDING if an operation is still in progress. Otherwise a DRV_MIIM_RESULT describing the operation outcome. Note that for a scan operation DRV_MIIM_RES_PENDING will be returned when there's no new scan data available. DRV_MIIM_RES_OK means the scan data is fresh.


  • The DRV_MIIM_Initialize routine must have been called.

  • DRV_MIIM_Open must have been called to obtain a valid opened device handle.

  • A driver operation was started