Library Interface

_DRV_MIIM_HThis is macro _DRV_MIIM_H.
DRV_MIIM_CLIENT_OP_PROTECTIONEnables/Disables Client Operation Protection feature.
DRV_MIIM_COMMANDSEnables/Disables MIIM commands feature.
DRV_MIIM_INDEX_0MIIM driver index definitions.
DRV_MIIM_INDEX_COUNTNumber of valid MIIM driver indices.
DRV_MIIM_INSTANCE_CLIENTSSelects the maximum number of clients.
DRV_MIIM_INSTANCE_OPERATIONSSelects the maximum number of simultaneous operations for an instance.
DRV_MIIM_INSTANCES_NUMBERSelects the maximum number of hardware instances that can be supported by the dynamic driver.
DRV_MIIM_ClientStatusGets the current client-specific status the MIIM driver.
DRV_MIIM_CloseCloses an opened instance of the MIIM driver.
DRV_MIIM_DeinitializeDeinitializes the specified instance of the MIIM driver module.
DRV_MIIM_DeregisterCallbackDeregisters an notification callback function for the client operations.
DRV_MIIM_InitializeInitializes the MIIM driver.
DRV_MIIM_OpenOpens the specified MIIM driver instance and returns a handle to it.
DRV_MIIM_OperationAbortAborts a current client operation initiated by the MIIM driver.
DRV_MIIM_OperationResultGets the result of a client operation initiated by the MIIM driver.
DRV_MIIM_ReadInitiates a SMI/MIIM read transaction.
DRV_MIIM_RegisterCallbackRegisters an notification callback function for the client operations.
DRV_MIIM_ReinitializeReinitializes the driver and refreshes any associated hardware settings.
DRV_MIIM_ScanInitiates a SMI/MIIM scan (periodic read)transaction.
DRV_MIIM_SetupSets up a MIIM client.
DRV_MIIM_StatusProvides the current status of the MIIM driver module.
DRV_MIIM_TasksMaintains the driver's state machine.
DRV_MIIM_WriteInitiates a SMI/MIIM write transaction.
DRV_MIIM_CLIENT_STATUSDefines the possible results of operations that can succeed or fail
DRV_MIIM_OPERATION_FLAGSList of flags that apply to a client operation.
DRV_MIIM_SETUP_FLAGSList of flags that apply to a client setup operation.
DRV_MIIM_INITContains all the data necessary to initialize the MIIM device.
DRV_MIIM_OBJECT_BASEDeclaration of a MIIM base object.
DRV_MIIM_SETUPContains all the data necessary to set up the MIIM device.
DRV_MIIM_CALLBACK_HANDLEHandle that identifies a client registration operation.
DRV_MIIM_OPERATION_CALLBACKNotification function that will be called when a MIIM operation is completed and the driver client needs to be notified.
DRV_MIIM_OBJECT_BASE_DefaultThe supported basic MIIM driver (DRV_MIIM_OBJECT_BASE). This object is implemented by default as using the standard MIIM interface. It can be overwritten dynamically when needed.