Library Interface

TCPIP_IPV6_HandlerRegisterRegisters an IPv6 event handler callback function.
TCPIP_IPV6_HandlerDeregisterDeregisters an IPv6 event handler callback function.
TCPIP_IPV6_InterfaceIsReadyDetermines if an interface is ready for IPv6 transactions.
TCPIP_IPV6_PacketFreeFrees a TCP/IP Packet structure from dynamic memory.
TCPIP_IPV6_PayloadSetAllocates a segment on the end of a packet segment chain and uses it to address prebuffered data.
TCPIP_IPV6_DASSourceAddressSelectDetermines the appropriate source address for a given destination address.
TCPIP_IPV6_DestAddressGetGets the destination address for a IPv6 packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_DestAddressSetSets the destination address for a IPv6 packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_SourceAddressGetGets the source address for an IPv6 packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_SourceAddressSetSets the source address for a IPv6 packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_ArrayPutHelperHelper function to write data to a packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_PutWrites a character of data to a packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_TxIsPutReadyDetermines whether a TX packet can be written to.
TCPIP_IPV6_TxPacketAllocateDynamically allocates a packet for transmitting IP protocol data.
TCPIP_IPV6_ArrayGetReads the next byte of data from the specified MAC.
TCPIP_IPV6_FlushFlushes a IP TX packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_GetReads the next byte of data from the specified MAC.
TCPIP_IPV6_UniqueLocalUnicastAddressAddAdds a Unique Local Unicast Address (ULA) to a specified interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_RouterAddressAddAdds a new router address to a specified interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_UnicastAddressAddAdds a unicast address to a specified interface
TCPIP_IPV6_DefaultRouterDeleteDeletes the current router list for a specified interface
TCPIP_IPV6_DefaultRouterGetReturns the current router address for a specified interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_IPV6_IsFragmentationEnabledHelper to get the IPv6 fragmentation support.
TCPIP_IPV6_MaxDatagramDataSizeGetHelper to get the maximum datagream data size (MDDS) on a specific interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_AddressUnicastRemoveRemoved a configured unicast address from an interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_MulticastListenerAddAdds a multicast listener to an interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_MulticastListenerRemoveRemoves a multicast listener from a given interface.
TCPIP_IPV6_PacketHandlerDeregisterDeregisters a previously registered packet handler.
TCPIP_IPV6_PacketHandlerRegisterSets a new packet processing handler.
Data Types and Constants
IPV6_DATA_SEGMENT_HEADERData structure for IPv6 Data Segment header.
IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_TYPEDefines a list of IPv6 next header types.
IPV6_PACKETPacket structure/state tracking for IPv6 packets.
IPV6_PACKET_ACK_FNCPacket allocation and deallocation acknowledgment callback function.
IPV6_SEGMENT_TYPEProvides an enumeration of IPv6 segment types.
IPV6_ULA_FLAGSProvides a list of possible ULA action flags.
IPV6_ULA_RESULTProvides a list of possible ULA results.
IPV6_DATA_DYNAMIC_BUFFERData to transmit is allocated in dynamically allocated RAM
IPV6_DATA_NETWORK_FIFOData to transmit is stored in the Network Controller's FIFOs
IPV6_DATA_NONEThe data segment is unused
IPV6_DATA_PIC_RAMData to transmit is stored in PIC RAM
IPV6_NO_UPPER_LAYER_CHECKSUMValue flag for no upper layer checksum
TCPIP_IPV6_PutArrayWrites data to a packet
_IPV6_DATA_SEGMENT_HEADERData structure for IPv6 Data Segment header.
_IPV6_PACKETPacket structure/state tracking for IPv6 packets.
_IPV6_RX_FRAGMENT_BUFFERData structure for IPv6 Received fragmented packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_MODULE_CONFIGProvides a place holder for IPv6 configuration.
IPV6_HEADER_OFFSET_DEST_ADDRHeader offset for destination address
IPV6_HEADER_OFFSET_NEXT_HEADERHeader offset for next header
IPV6_HEADER_OFFSET_PAYLOAD_LENGTHHeader offset for payload length
IPV6_HEADER_OFFSET_SOURCE_ADDRHeader offset for source address
IPV6_TLV_HBHO_PAYLOAD_JUMBOGRAMIPv6 Type-length-value type code for the Hop-by-hop "Jumbo-gram Payload" option
IPV6_TLV_HBHO_ROUTER_ALERTIPv6 Type-length-value type code for the Hop-by-hop "Router Alert" option
IPV6_TLV_PAD_1IPv6 Type-length-value type code for the Pad 1 option
IPV6_TLV_PAD_NIPv6 Type-length-value type code for the Pad N option
IPV6_TLV_UNREC_OPT_DISCARD_PPIPv6 action code for the unrecognized option reaction to discard the packet and send an ICMP parameter problem message
IPV6_TLV_UNREC_OPT_DISCARD_PP_NOT_MCIPv6 action code for the unrecognized option reaction to discard the packet and send an ICMP parameter problem message is the destination address isn't a multicast address
IPV6_TLV_UNREC_OPT_DISCARD_SILENTIPv6 action code for the unrecognized option reaction to discard the packet silently
IPV6_TLV_UNREC_OPT_SKIP_OPTIONIPv6 action code for the unrecognized option reaction to skip the option
IPV6_RX_FRAGMENT_BUFFERData structure for IPv6 Received fragmented packet.
IPV6_TLV_OPTION_TYPEData structure for IPv6 TLV options.
IPV6_HANDLEPointer to IPv6 object
IPV6_EVENT_TYPEThis enumeration is used to notify IPv6 client applications.
IPV6_EVENT_HANDLERClients can register a handler with the IPv6 service.
IPV6_ADDRESS_TYPEData structure for IPv6 address types.
IPV6_ADDRESS_PREFERENCEProvides selection of public versus temporary addresses.
IPV6_ADDRESS_POLICYData structure for IPv6 address policy.
IPV6_ACTIONProvides a list of possible IPv6 actions.
TCPIP_IPV6_PACKET_HANDLERPointer to a function(handler) that will get called to process an incoming IPv6 packet.
TCPIP_IPV6_PROCESS_HANDLEDefines a IPv6 packet processing handle.