boolean EnumCodeBlocks(String file, String callback)
Calls the python function callback
once for each code block in the binary file. A code block is a contiguous binary block that would be loaded to the device if file
were to be debugged.
Example 1
def writeBlock(adr,bytes,name):
log.info("Code block %s at %08x %d" % (name, adr,len(bytes)))
dev.Write(adr,bytes,0,len(bytes)) # write block to device memory (ARM)
def load_file_and_pc(binary_path):
deb.EnumCodeBlocks(binary_path, "writeBlock")
public String PeekFileType(String file)
Returns type of file as a string (either "hex", "coff", "ubrof8", or "nordic".)
Example 2
filetype = deb.PeekFileType(binary_path)
if "hex" == filetype or "elf" == filetype:
deb.EnumCodeBlocks(binary_path, "writeBlock")