5.13.2 Hold in Reset and Release from Reset

If you do not want your code to execute after you build your application and program the image into a device, you can select Hold in Reset before running. This feature will persist for any run command until you select Release from Reset (the button changes to Release from Reset after Hold in Reset is selected). Then the next run command will allow program execution.

By default in MPLAB X IDE, the code will execute after build and program (Release from Reset).

The methods used for these functions depends on whether the tool is providing power to the target device or the target is externally powered.

Table 5-6. Hold in Reset/Release from Reset Toggle Button
Button Icon Function Target powered by Tool Target powered by External Supply
Hold in Reset MCLR driven low MCLR driven low.
Release from Reset MCLR driven to Vdd MCLR Tristated. Target hardware is responsible for providing a pull-up on MCLR.