5.5.1 Execution
This example uses Paho MQTT library for the MQTT protocol implementation.
main.c - Initialize the board, connect to an MQTT broker and chat with other devices.
- Code summary:
- Configure the network
parameters and the MQTT broker in main.h.
/* Chat MQTT topic. This is only demo User can create their own topic*/ #define MAIN_CHAT_TOPIC "atmel/sample/chat_demo/" /** A MQTT broker server which was connected. * test.mosquitto.org is public MQTT broker.*/ static const char main_mqtt_broker[] = "test.mosquitto.org"; /** Wi-Fi Settings */ #define MAIN_WLAN_SSID "DEMO_AP" /* < Destination SSID */ #define MAIN_WLAN_AUTH M2M_WIFI_SEC_WPA_PSK /* < Security manner */ #define MAIN_WLAN_PSK "12345678" /* < Password for Destination SSID */
- Configure the MQTT
module. When calling the
function, several parameters like read/write buffers and buffer size are configured along with the callback function./* Initialize the MQTT service. */ configure_mqtt();
static void configure_mqtt(void) { ... mqtt_get_config_defaults(&mqtt_conf); /* To use the MQTT service, it is necessary to always set the buffer and the timer. */ mqtt_conf.read_buffer = mqtt_read_buffer; mqtt_conf.read_buffer_size = MAIN_MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE; mqtt_conf.send_buffer = mqtt_send_buffer; mqtt_conf.send_buffer_size = MAIN_MQTT_BUFFER_SIZE; result = mqtt_init(&mqtt_inst, &mqtt_conf); result = mqtt_register_callback(&mqtt_inst, mqtt_callback);
- The Paho MQTT platform
implementation uses SysTick for timing. Therefore, systick must be
configured before using any part of the
if (SysTick_Config(system_cpu_clock_get_hz() / 1000)) { puts("ERR>> Systick configuration error\r\n"); while (1); }
- Setup the username first
and then the topic value will be set with MAIN_CHAT_TOPIC and username.
/* Setup username first */ printf("Enter the username (Max %d characters)\r\n", MAIN_CHAT_USER_NAME_SIZE); scanf("%64s", mqtt_user); printf("User : %s\r\n", mqtt_user); sprintf(topic, "%s%s", MAIN_CHAT_TOPIC, mqtt_user);
- Initialize the socket
module and register the socket callback function.
socketInit(); registerSocketCallback(socket_cb, NULL);
- Connect to the
/* Connect to router. */ m2m_wifi_connect((char *)MAIN_WLAN_SSID, sizeof(MAIN_WLAN_SSID), MAIN_WLAN_AUTH, (char *)MAIN_WLAN_PSK, M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
- After the device is
connected to the AP, call the
function to connect the socket.static void wifi_callback(uint8 msg_type, void *msg_data) { ... case M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF: ... /* Try to connect to MQTT broker when Wi-Fi was connected. */ mqtt_connect(&mqtt_inst, main_mqtt_broker); }
- The MQTT callback will
receive the
message and then start sending a CONNECT message to the MQTT broker.static void mqtt_callback(struct mqtt_module *module_inst, int type, union mqtt_data *data) { ... case MQTT_CALLBACK_SOCK_CONNECTED: { mqtt_connect_broker(module_inst, 1, NULL, NULL, mqtt_user, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
- The MQTT callback will
receive the
message and then register a subscription for a specific topic. Each subscription has a separate callback function which is registered along with the subscribe call.static void mqtt_callback(struct mqtt_module *module_inst, int type, union mqtt_data *data) { ... case MQTT_CALLBACK_CONNECTED: { mqtt_subscribe(module_inst, MAIN_CHAT_TOPIC "#", 0, SubscribeHandler)
- If another device sends a
message with this topic, then the corresponding subscribe callback is
void SubscribeHandler(MessageData *msgData) { ... }
- If the user inputs a
string via a terminal, the MQTT will publish the following message:
static void check_usart_buffer(char *topic) { if (uart_buffer_written >= MAIN_CHAT_BUFFER_SIZE) { mqtt_publish(&mqtt_inst, topic, uart_buffer, MAIN_CHAT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0); uart_buffer_written = 0; }
- To poll for a message in
any of the subscribed topic, mqtt_yield must be called. This function
must be called
while (1) { /* Handle pending events from network controller. */ m2m_wifi_handle_events(NULL); ... if(mqtt_inst.isConnected) mqtt_yield(&mqtt_inst, 0); }
- Configure the network
parameters and the MQTT broker in main.h.
- Build the program and download it into the board.
- Start the application.
- On the terminal window, enter the username through the terminal window.
- After the initialization
completes, you can chat.Note:
- Initialization may take up to a few minutes depending on the network environment.
- The application must be programmed and running. The following information will be displayed on the terminal window.
Note: The maximum message length should
be shorter than 128 bytes. If the server connection is unstable, this example may
not operate normally.