4.9.1 WILCS02 PTA Interface
The WILCS02 device implements the Wi-Fi®/Bluetooth® coexistence (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth co-ex) arbiter, compliant with the recommendations in IEEE® 802.15.2. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth share the same 2.4 GHz ISB band. When Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are co-located, the signals from one wireless protocol appear as unwanted noise for the other protocol, causing performance degradation. Therefore, the WILCS02 can be configured to assign priorities for WLAN and Bluetooth traffic to avoid the collisions and corruptions of frames during co-ex operation.
The WILCS02 device supports:
- Shared antenna (switching) and dedicated antennas for Wi-Fi/Bluetooth.
- Two-Wire and Three-Wire PTA
Table 4-3. Pin Configuration for Wi-Fi®/Bluetooth® Co-existence Pin Configuration Connected Pins Three-Wire WLAN_ACT, BT_PRI and BT_ACT Two-Wire WLAN_ACT and BT_ACT
The WILCS02 exposes its PTA interface at the PTA header
(J101) (see Figure 4-7).
The PTA header consists of three pins:
- WLAN Active (WLAN_ACT)
- Bluetooth Priority (BT_PRI)
- Bluetooth Active (BT_ACT)
- Connect these pins to the respective three pins of the Bluetooth companion device.
- The default pin configuration uses the Three-Wire configuration.
- Enable Bluetooth before co-ex and disable it after co-ex to avoid floating signals. Use the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth co-ex feature when the real Bluetooth/Bluetooth Low Energy companion device is connected. Otherwise, leaving the pins floating without following these directions can cause WLAN disturbances.