
An op amp must be in EVENT_ENABLED or SW_ENABLED_WITH_EVENTS mode to generate events and respond to incoming events. To select EVENT_ENABLED mode for OPn, the EVENTEN bit in OPnCTRLA must be written to ‘1’, and the ALWAYSON bit must be written to ‘0’. To select SW_ENABLED_WITH_EVENTS mode for OPn, the EVENTEN bit in OPnCTRLA must be written to ‘1’, and the ALWAYSON bit must be written to ‘1’.

OPn can generate the event as described in the table below.
Table 1. Event Generators in OPAMP
Generator Name Description Event Type Generating Clock Domain Length of Event
Peripheral Event
OPAMP READYn OPn is ready Pulse CLK_PER One CLK_PER period
The table below describes the event users for OPn and their associated functionality.
Table 2. Event Users in OPAMP
User Name Description Input Detection Async/Sync
Peripheral Input
OPAMP ENABLEn Enable OPn Edge Async
OPAMP DISABLEn Disable OPn Edge Sync
OPAMP DUMPn Dump OPn VOUT to VINN Level Sync
OPAMP DRIVEn Enable OPn output driver in NORMAL mode Level Sync

Refer to the Event System (EVSYS) section for more details regarding event types and Event System configuration.