Peripheral Address Map

The address map shows the base address for each peripheral. For complete register description and summary for each peripheral, refer to the respective peripheral sections.

Table 1. Peripheral Address Map
Base Address Name Description 28-pin 32-pin 48-pin
0x0000 VPORTA Virtual Port A X X X
0x0004 VPORTB Virtual Port B     X
0x0008 VPORTC Virtual Port C X X X
0x000C VPORTD Virtual Port D X X X
0x0010 VPORTE Virtual Port E     X
0x0014 VPORTF Virtual Port F X X X
0x001C GPR General Purpose Registers X X X
0x0030 CPU CPU X X X
0x0040 RSTCTRL Reset Controller X X X
0x0050 SLPCTRL Sleep Controller X X X
0x0060 CLKCTRL Clock Controller X X X
0x00A0 BOD Brown-Out Reset Detector X X X
0x00B0 VREF Voltage Reference X X X
0x00C0 MVIO MVIO Controller X X X
0x0100 WDT Watchdog Timer X X X
0x0110 CPUINT Interrupt Controller X X X
0x0120 CRCSCAN Cyclic Redundancy Check Memory Scan X X X
0x0140 RTC Real Time Counter X X X
0x01C0 CCL Configurable Custom Logic X X X
0x0200 EVSYS Event System X X X
0x0400 PORTA Port A Configuration X X X
0x0420 PORTB Port B Configuration     X
0x0440 PORTC Port C Configuration X X X
0x0460 PORTD Port D Configuration X X X
0x0480 PORTE Port E Configuration     X
0x04A0 PORTF Port F Configuration X X X
0x05E0 PORTMUX Port Multiplexer X X X
0x0600 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 X X X
0x0680 AC0 Analog Comparator 0 X X X
0x0688 AC1 Analog Comparator 1 X X X
0x0690 AC2 Analog Comparator 2 X X X
0x06A0 DAC0 Digital to Analog converter 0 X X X
0x06C0 ZCD0 Zero Cross Detector 0 X X X
0x06C8 ZCD1 Zero Cross Detector 1     X
0x0700 OPAMP Analog Signal Conditioning X X X
0x0800 USART0 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter 0 X X X
0x0820 USART1 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter 1 X X X
0x0840 USART2 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter 2 X X X
0x0860 USART3 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter 3     X
0x0880 USART4 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter 4     X
0x0900 TWI0 Two-Wire Interface 0 X X X
0x0920 TWI1 Two-Wire Interface 1   X X
0x0940 SPI0 Serial Peripheral Interface 0 X X X
0x0960 SPI1 Serial Peripheral Interface 1 X X X
0x0A00 TCA0 Timer/Counter Type A 0 X X X
0x0A40 TCA1 Timer/Counter Type A 1     X
0x0B00 TCB0 Timer/Counter Type B 0 X X X
0x0B10 TCB1 Timer/Counter Type B 1 X X X
0x0B20 TCB2 Timer/Counter Type B 2 X X X
0x0B30 TCB3 Timer/Counter Type B 3     X
0x0B80 TCD0 Timer/Counter Type D 0 X X X
0x0F00 SYSCFG System Configuration X X X
0x1000 NVMCTRL Non Volatile Memory Controller X X X

Table 2. System Memory Address Map
Base Address Name Description 28-pin 32-pin 48-pin
0x1040 LOCK Lock bits X X X
0x1050 FUSE User Configuration X X X
0x1080 USERROW User row X X X
0x1100 SIGROW Signature row X X X