
Initialize the MVIO in Dual-Supply configuration by following these steps:
  1. 1.Program the Multi-Voltage System Configuration (MVSYSCFG) fuse to the Dual-Supply configuration.
  2. 2.Optional: Write the VDDIO2 Interrupt Enable (VDDIO2IE) bit to ‘1’ in the Interrupt Control (MVIO.INTCTRL) register.
  3. 3.Read the VDDIO2 Status (VDDIO2S) bit in the Status (MVIO.STATUS) register to check if the VDDIO2 voltage is within the acceptable range for operation.
  4. 4.Configure and use the PORT pins powered by VDDIO2.
If the MVSYSCFG fuse is programmed to the Single-Supply configuration, the VDDIO2 Status bit is read as ‘1’, and the VDDIO2 Interrupt Flag is read as ‘0’.