Instruction Frame Transmission

If the instruction frame includes the instruction code and/or the option code, the user must configure the fields WRINST, WROPT, RDINST and RDOPT in the Write Instruction Code register (QSPI_WICR) and the Read Instruction Code register (QSPI_RICR). QSPI_WICR configures instruction code and option code for write accesses, and QSPI_RICR configures instruction code and option code for read accesses. For a frame without data (QSPI_IFR.DATAEN=0), QSPI_WICR is used for instruction and option codes.

QSPI_IFR must be configured with the instruction frame to send.

The instruction frame is configured by the following QSPI_IFR bits and fields:

  • WIDTH field—configures which data lanes are used to send the instruction code, the address, the option code and to transfer the data.
  • INSTEN bit—enables an instruction code.
  • ADDREN bit—enables an address after the instruction code.
  • OPTEN bit—enables an option code after the address.
  • DATAEN bit—enables the transfer of data (READ or PROGRAM instruction).
  • OPTL field—configures the option code length. The value written in OPTL must be consistent with the value written in the field WIDTH. For example: OPTL=0 (1-bit option code) is not consistent with WIDTH = 6 (option code sent with QuadSPI protocol, thus the minimum length of the option code is 4 bits).
  • ADDRL bit—configures the QSPI address field size.
  • TFRTYP field—defines the type of memory access. See the table below.
  • CRM bit—enables Continuous Read mode, see Continuous Read Mode.
  • DDREN bit—configures the Double Data Rate mode; the instruction code is still transmitted in Single Data Rate mode. The instruction code can be transmitted in DDR mode by writing a 1 to QSPI_IFR.DDRCMDEN.
  • NBDUM field—configures the number of dummy cycles when reading data from the serial Flash memory. Between the address/option and the data, with some instructions, dummy cycles are required by the serial Flash memory.
  • END bit—defines the endianness of the targeted memory.
  • SMRM bit—when TFRTYP=0, defines if the instruction frame transmission is triggered by register accesses or QSPI memory space accesses.
  • APBTFRTYP bit—defines the peripheral bus register transfer to memory type (read or write) when QSPI_IFR.TFRTYP is written to 0.
  • DQSEN bit—defines if the targeted memory supplies a DQS signal.
  • DDRCMDEN bit—defines if the instruction code must be sent in DDR mode when QSPI_IFR.DDREN bit is written to 1.
  • HFWBEN field—enables the HyperFlash Write Buffer command support. In this mode, a new command is generated for each write access. See HyperFlash Mode.
  • PROTTYP bit—defines the QSPI protocol type.

See Instruction Frame register.

Depending on TFRTYP and SMRM memory accesses, the applicable methods are as follows.

Table 64-3. Memory Access Methods
QSPI_IFR Configuration Memory Accesses via the System Bus Memory Accesses via the Peripheral Bus



No Yes



Yes No



Yes No