40.13.5 Pipe Status Register n

Offset: 0x0106 + n*0x20 [n=0..7]
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – BK1RDY Bank 1 is ready

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSCLR.BK1RDY will clear this bit.

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSSET.BK1RDY will set this bit.

This bank is not used for Control pipe.

0 The bank number 1 is not ready: For IN the bank is empty. For Control/OUT the bank is not yet fill in.
1 The bank number 1 is ready: For IN the bank is filled full. For Control/OUT the bank is filled in.

Bit 6 – BK0RDY Bank 0 is ready

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSCLR.BK0RDY will clear this bit.

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSSET.BK0RDY will set this bit.

This bank is the only one used for Control pipe.

0 The bank number 0 is not ready: For IN the bank is not empty. For Control/OUT the bank is not yet fill in.
1 The bank number 0 is ready: For IN the bank is filled full. For Control/OUT the bank is filled in.

Bit 4 – PFREEZE Pipe Freeze

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSCLR.PFREEZE will clear this bit.

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSSET.PFREEZE will set this bit.

This bit is also set by the hardware:
  • When a STALL handshake has been received.
  • After a PIPE has been enabled (rising of bit PEN.N).
  • When an LPM transaction has completed whatever handshake is returned or the transaction was timed-out.
  • When a pipe transfer was completed with a pipe error. See the PINTFLAG register.

When PFREEZE bit is set while a transaction is in progress on the USB bus, this transaction will be properly completed. PFREEZE bit will be read as “1” only when the ongoing transaction will have been completed.

0 The Pipe operates in normal operation.
1 The Pipe is frozen and no additional requests will be sent to the device on this pipe address.

Bit 2 – CURBK Current Bank

0 The bank0 is the bank that will be used in the next single/multi USB packet.
1 The bank1 is the bank that will be used in the next single/multi USB packet.

Bit 0 – DTGL Data Toggle Sequence

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSCLR.DTGL will clear this bit.

Writing a one to the bit EPSTATUSSET.DTGL will set this bit.

This bit is toggled automatically by hardware after a data transaction.

This bit will reflect the data toggle in regards of the token type (IN/OUT/SETUP).

0 The PID of the next expected transaction will be zero: data 0.
1 The PID of the next expected transaction will be one: data 1.