40.13.2 Interval for the Bulk-Out/Ping Transaction for Endpoint n

Offset: 0x0103 + n*0x20 [n=0..7]
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 


These bits contains the Ping/Bulk-out period.

These bits are cleared when a USB reset is sent or when PEN[n] is zero.

BINTERVAL Description
= 0 Multiple consecutive OUT token is sent in the same frame until it is acked by the peripheral
> 0 One OUT token is sent every BINTERVAL frame until it is acked by the peripheral

Depending on the type of pipe, the desired period is defined as follows:

PTYPE Description
Interrupt 1 ms to 255 ms
Isochronous 2^(Binterval) * 1 ms
Bulk or control 1 ms to 255 ms
EXT LPM bInterval ignored. Always 1 ms when a NYET is received.