40.13.1 Host Pipe n Configuration

Name: PCFGn
Offset: 0x0100 + n*0x20 [n=0..7]
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 5:3 – PTYPE[2:0] Type of the Pipe

These bits contains the pipe type.

PTYPE[2:0] Description
0x0 Pipe is disabled
0x1 Pipe is enabled and configured as CONTROL
0x2 Pipe is enabled and configured as ISO
0x3 Pipe is enabled and configured as BULK
0x4 Pipe is enabled and configured as INTERRUPT
0x5 Pipe is enabled and configured as EXTENDED
0x06-0x7 Reserved

These bits are cleared upon sending a USB reset.

Bit 2 – BK Pipe Bank

This bit selects the number of banks for the pipe.

For control endpoints writing a zero to this bit is required as only Bank0 is used for Setup/In/Out transactions.

This bit is cleared when a USB reset is sent.

BK (1) Description
0x0 Single-bank endpoint
0x1 Dual-bank endpoint
  1. Bank field is ignored when PTYPE is configured as EXTENDED.
0 A single bank is used for the pipe.
1 A dual bank is used for the pipe.

Bits 1:0 – PTOKEN[1:0] Pipe Token

These bits contains the pipe token.

PTOKEN[1:0](1) Description
0x0 SETUP(2)
0x1 IN
0x2 OUT
0x3 Reserved
  1. PTOKEN field is ignored when PTYPE is configured as EXTENDED.
  2. Available only when PTYPE is configured as CONTROL

Theses bits are cleared upon sending a USB reset.